Top 3 Green Lifestyle Tips


Over the last few years we have all been made more aware about how our actions and choices can impact the world that we live in. For those of you who have seen David Attenborough’s latest witness statement, it is clear to see what a major effect that we are having on our one home and that this must change. When I talk to different people about how best to begin reducing our environmental impact, many place blame directly on large corporations and while they have a big impact, I strongly believe that they aren’t necessarily the ones to directly blame. Instead, each and every one of us should take a step back and think about our individual actions, the little things we do each day as well as the products that we purchase. By changing our actions and choices, we can lead the way in reducing our impact on the environment and influence larger corporations to do the same. Below I have put a short list of different ways you can reduce your impact, there are so many more out there but I believe this list contains ways you can start right now.


Conserve Energy

In 2019, it was estimated that 301.76 terra-watt hours in the UK. One of the most direct steps you can make starting right now is to reduce the amount of energy you use, whether that is at work or at home.

  • Switch to low energy light bulbs - old light bulbs use a lot of energy to produce light and it is said that 90% of that energy is lost as heat. Newer lightbulbs are more efficient, use less energy and can help you save money on your electric bill.

  • Turn off electronics/appliances when not in use - did you know that leaving electronics/appliances on standby uses electricity. If you are not using these then turning them off and can help save power.

  • Unplug chargers when your devices are fully charged - like above, you can help conserve power by unplugging your devices when they are fully charged.

  • Wash clothes on lower temperatures - quite a bit of the energy used to wash clothes is used to heat the water. Another advantage is that your clothes will look better and last much longer when washed at lower temperatures. The colour doesn’t fade as much and there is less wear on the fabric.


Save Water

Water shortages are a very real threat all across the world, even in the UK. The National Geographic state that there could be an extra 12 million people by 2050 putting even more strain on an already diminishing supply. Much of this grow is also said to be in the already water-vulnerable area of the South-East. So what can we do to help conserve water and ensure that we don’t have a role in diminishing supplies.

  • Fix leaks - making sure there are no leaks in your house can save so much water and can help protect your property from leaks.

  • Take shorter showers - Science Focus states that the ordinary electrically heated shower puts out four litres per minute. Taking shorter showers can significantly reduce your water usage as you can see.

  • Turn off the tap when not in use - each morning, how many of us leave the tap running when we wash our teeth? I know I’m guilty of this every now and then. Beavers Dentistry stated that 4 gallons of water is wasted each time the tap is left running, in a 4 family household, that brush twice, that is 32 gallons of water wasted.


Choose Organic

Agriculture has a major impact on the environment, from deforestation to nutrient depletion from bad practice. It is also said that agriculture is responsible for 1/5th of total greenhouse gases, that’s more than all cars, planes and trains in the world combined. In order to protect the environment and ensure that we can keep producing food to feed the population, we must make changes and choose organic/sustainable produce where ever possible.

  • Choose local food - by buying food that is local to you, you are not only helping to support local farmers but you are reducing the miles and carbon footprint of the food you eat.

  • Reduce the amount of meat you eat - did you know that it takes about 460 gallons of water to produce 1/4 pound of beef (according to USGS)? Reducing the amount of meat you eat each week can help conserve water and protect the environment from so many of the impacts that meat products can have.

  • Choose sustainably sourced fish - for those of us who like to eat fish, make sure you choose fish sourced from sustainable fisheries and help stop fisheries being exploited.


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