What is Climate Change?


There is a big misconception about climate and weather. Climate is measured over a long period; it considers seasonal temperature, average rainfall and wind patterns, whereas weather changes from day to day or even year to year. Different places have different climates, which can be influenced by many other factors. For example, a desert is an arid climate due to the dry and hot conditions, while tropical climates are characterised by hot and humid conditions.

When we use the term climate change, we refer to the long term change in temperature and weather patterns of a place, or even globally. In my lifetime alone, I have noticed climate change, from watching different nature documentaries to seeing it with my very own eyes.

As climates across the globe began to change, we are beginning to see weather patterns become unpredictable. This is making it difficult for farmers across the world to grow their crops as the temperature and rainfall levels are out of the norm, leading many areas to be unsuitable for farming. Along with this, as climate change continues to worsen we can expect to see more severe and damaging weather events such as hurricanes, flooding and droughts.


What are the major causes of Climate Change?


Burning Fossil Fuels

Intensive Farming


What is Pollution?


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